About the flowers
About the flowers
The field is just outside of London in West Hertfordshire. We are currently growing on an acre of land. Everything we grow is grown with the seasons. This means we grow flowers that thrive at that time of year and do not need added light or heat to grow. We do not use any chemicals or pesticides, choosing organic alternatives.
We grow in both a polytunnel and outside. The polytunnel allows us to extend the season by having flowers bloom up to a month earlier and the beginning of the season and a month later at the end.
We use locally sourced manure to fertilise our soil as well as homemade cumphrey tea and seaweed feed. We also are making our own compost to put back onto the soil.
On the plot we have a large wildlife pond where we grow flowers just for the insects and allow the habitat to become wild and undisturbed.
We grow many many flowers, a short list below to give you an idea. We grow many pollinator friendly varieties and in the height of the season the field is buzzing with bees and butterflies. It is quite magical.
Flowers we grow:
Spring time: anemones, ranunculus, alliums, tulips, daffodils, sweet Williams, foxgloves, sweet rocket, honesty.
Early summer annuals: ammi majus, agrostemma, antirrhinums, calendula, lavatera, cornflowers, gypsophila, bells of Ireland.
Mid to late summer annuals: cosmos, helichrysum, rudbeckia, phlox, ammi visnaga, didiscus, celosoia, zinnias, amaranthus, grasses, sunflowers.
Perennials: dahlias, roses, astrantia, astilbe, sanguisorba, salvias, grasses, galega, physostegia, feverfew, eringium, verbena.
We have also planted lots of peonies and shrubs for foliage which we look forward to harvesting in future years.
How to find us:
In terms of finding us, we are tucked away behind Chipperfield woods. If you park on the common and head to the cricket club on the common (brown wooden cabin. Follow the path into the woods behind the cricket nets, upon entering the woods, take the path to the right and then the first left down a straight path through the woods. At the end of this path it is a little overgrown as it narrows, bear to the left and in a few metres you will see a metal gate. Go through the gate along another path that has woods on one side and a field on the other. The second field you will pass is mine and you will see the polytunnel in the back of the field. Follow the path until you reach the next kissing gate and then bear right down the track and you will then see my gate on the right. You can also watch this video