So I have ordered most of my perennial plants as plugs this year. I have ordered some to grow from seed: galega, physostegia and tanacetum as they flower in first year. And ordered some New Zealand Hybrids Mix Delphiniums as couldn't get them as plugs. Rachel from Green and Gorgeous, the queen of perennials recommended these on the above mentioned Flower Farming course
At night when I can't sleep, I do have slight palpitations about my perennial order and when it will come. I am talking hundreds of plugs that will need planting. And what is worse they have to be delivered to our home as we can’t deliver to the field due to access issues. James, my partner, is already pretty tired of the endless pallets of compost, seed trays, greenhouse bits that are getting delivered and turning our beautiful gravel drive into a B&Q depot. And my neighbours have already had to deal with all the men knocking on the wrong door and trying to give them 10 large boxes of metal shelving. Somehow I am going to have to sneak these perennials past them all. I used to worry about hiding my clothes shopping, leaving it in the boot of the car and then sneaking it into the house when no one was in. Can't do that with 560 perennial plugs can I?!!
I have ordered most of my plugs from Howards Nursery. The main supplier recommended by all the flower farmers I have spoken to. D-day (delivery day) is at the end of March. Perhaps a family member of James' reading this could ask him over for lunch on that day or better still a sleepover?! I ordered from Howards’ availability list which sign up to and receive via email. I also ordered far too many other varieties from Arvensis. A smaller order but still a lot of plants. They have more unusual varieties. You can order direct from their site.
Then topped up a few from Kolster through their agent Lyndon who let me piggy back on someone else's order as I wasn't ordering enough.
And finally, J Parkers' wholesale site Dutch Bulbs for the rest.
I can't bring myself to add them all together. In fact, my palms are getting sweaty just writing this post. Give me strength... and the power to magically cope when all the bloody things are delivered